SW-1463 Cells

General information
Description | The SW-1463 cell line is derived from a human adenocarcinoma of the rectum. It is part of the extensive SW series of cancer cell lines, which have been characterized for their unique genetic and molecular profiles. SW-1463 is notable for its epithelial morphology and tumorigenic potential in immunocompromised mice. The cell line displays a stable growth pattern under standard culture conditions and has been extensively used in cancer biology and drug development studies. Genomic profiling of SW-1463 has revealed several mutations associated with oncogenesis, including alterations in the KRAS pathway. This makes the cell line a valuable tool for studying colorectal cancer and testing therapies targeting RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK signaling. Additionally, transcriptomic analyses have highlighted dysregulated expression of genes involved in cell cycle regulation and apoptosis, further emphasizing its utility in cancer research. SW-1463 has also been integrated into high-throughput drug screening programs, where it has shown diverse responses to chemotherapeutic agents and targeted therapies. These studies provide insights into the mechanisms of drug resistance and sensitivity, aiding in the development of personalized medicine strategies. |
Organism | Human |
Tissue | Rectum |
Disease | Rectal adenocarcinoma |
Applications | 3D culture, Cancer research |
Synonyms | SW1463, SW 1463 |
Age | 66 years |
Gender | Female |
Ethnicity | European |
Morphology | Epithelial |
Growth properties | Adherent |
Identifiers / Biosafety / Citation
Citation | SW-1463 (Cytion catalog number 300623) |
Biosafety level | 1 |
Expression / Mutation
Surface antigens | Blood type A, Rh + |
Protein expression | keratin |
Antigen expression | carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) |
Isoenzymes | ES-D, 1, G6PD, B, PEP-D, 1, PGD, A, PGM1, 1, PGM3, 1-2 |
Tumorigenic | Yes, in nude mice |
Ploidy status | hypertriploid |
Karyotype | 2n=46 |
Culture Medium | DMEM:Ham's F12, w: 3.1 g/L Glucose, w: 1.6 mM L-Glutamine, w: 15 mM HEPES, w: 1.0 mM Sodium pyruvate, w: 1.2 g/L NaHCO3 (Cytion article number 820400a) |
Medium supplements | Supplement the medium with 10% FBS |
Passaging solution | TrypLE Express (Life Technologies) |
Subculturing | Remove the old medium from the adherent cells and wash them with PBS that lacks calcium and magnesium. For T25 flasks, use 3-5 ml of PBS, and for T75 flasks, use 5-10 ml. Then, cover the cells completely with Accutase, using 1-2 ml for T25 flasks and 2.5 ml for T75 flasks. Let the cells incubate at room temperature for 8-10 minutes to detach them. After incubation, gently mix the cells with 10 ml of medium to resuspend them, then centrifuge at 300xg for 3 minutes. Discard the supernatant, resuspend the cells in fresh medium, and transfer them into new flasks that already contain fresh medium. |
Freeze medium | CM-1 (Cytion catalog number 800100) |
Handling of cryopreserved cultures |
Quality control / Genetic profile / HLA
Sterility | Mycoplasma contamination is excluded using both PCR-based assays and luminescence-based mycoplasma detection methods. To ensure there is no bacterial, fungal, or yeast contamination, cell cultures are subjected to daily visual inspections. |
STR profile |
Amelogenin: x,x
CSF1PO: 11,12
D13S317: 12,13
D16S539: 11
D5S818: 13,14
D7S820: 9
TH01: 6,7
TPOX: 8,11
vWA: 16
D3S1358: 16,17
D21S11: 30,31.2
D18S51: 18
Penta E: 17
Penta D: 9,12
D8S1179: 11,15
FGA: 23,28
D6S1043: 12,18
D2S1338: 17,18
D12S391: 17
D19S433: 14,15