HBL-100 Cells

General information
Description | HBL-100 is a human breast epithelial cell line originally derived from the breast milk of a nursing mother. The milk was collected three days post-delivery, and despite no evidence of a breast lesion in the donor and no family history of breast cancer, the cells exhibited an abnormal karyotype by passage 7. This cell line is notable for its ability to synthesize a small amount of lactose and to respond to prolactin or estrogen stimulation by increasing the production of casein. Microscopic analyses, such as electron micrographs, have confirmed the presence of microvilli, tonofibrils, and desmosomes in these cells, highlighting their typical epithelial characteristics. However, the HBL-100 cell line has encountered significant complications regarding its identification and characterization. It was found to contain a Y chromosome, suggesting a misidentification as the cell line was initially thought to be of female origin. Further complexity arises from the presence of SV40 genomic sequences within the cell line, contradicting earlier beliefs that it was spontaneously immortalized. These findings have led to debates regarding the origin and the genetic makeup of HBL-100, making it a problematic cell line for research without thorough validation of its characteristics and origin. |
Organism | Human |
Tissue | Breast |
Disease | Carcinoma |
Synonyms | HBL 100, HBL100 |
Age | 27 years |
Gender | Female |
Ethnicity | Caucasian |
Morphology | Epithelial-like |
Growth properties | Monolayer, adherent |
Identifiers / Biosafety / Citation
Citation | HBL-100 (Cytion catalog number 300178) |
Biosafety level | 1 |
Expression / Mutation
Antigen expression | HLA A1, A10, A11, B7, B8 |
Isoenzymes | G6PD, B, PGM1, 1, PGM3, 2, ES-D, 1, Me-2, 0, GLO-1, 2, AK-1, 1-2, Phenotype Frequency Product: 0.0008 |
Tumorigenic | Yes, in nude mice. At passage levels below 35 the line is not tumorigenic in nude mice, but forms colonies in soft agar. Tumorigenicity has been reported to increase above passage 35. |
Viruses | The cells contain a tamdemly integrated SV40 genome it has been reported that they may contain a type D retrovirus that is similar or identical to Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV). |
Reverse transcriptase | Positive |
Ploidy status | Aneuploid |
Karyotype | The stemline chromosome number is near triploid with the modal number of 67 chromosomes, and the 2S component occurring at 0.6%. Most chromosome complements consist of about 39 normal and 28 marker chromosomes. Markers such as 2q, 11q+, 11q, t(2q.12), t(2q.5q?), t(6p?.16), 16pt and many others are common to most metaphases. Normal chromosomes 11, 14, 15 and 16 are absent. 2, 12, 17 and 19 are monosomic, and the x is disomic. DNA profiling for amelogenin, a sex-chromosome-specific PCR assay that can distinguish x chromosome-specific products from Y chromosome-specific products revealed the presence of Y chromosomes in this cell line of putative female origin. Confirmation of the general findings was accomplished by QM staining, C-banding, and FISH, with a whole chromosome paint probe to the human Y chromosome. |
Culture Medium | McCoys 5a, w: 3.0 g/L Glucose, w: stable Glutamine, w: 2.0 mM Sodium pyruvate, w: 2.2 g/L NaHCO3 (Cytion article number 820200a) |
Medium supplements | Supplement the medium with 10% FBS |
Passaging solution | Accutase |
Subculturing | Remove the old medium from the adherent cells and wash them with PBS that lacks calcium and magnesium. For T25 flasks, use 3-5 ml of PBS, and for T75 flasks, use 5-10 ml. Then, cover the cells completely with Accutase, using 1-2 ml for T25 flasks and 2.5 ml for T75 flasks. Let the cells incubate at room temperature for 8-10 minutes to detach them. After incubation, gently mix the cells with 10 ml of medium to resuspend them, then centrifuge at 300xg for 3 minutes. Discard the supernatant, resuspend the cells in fresh medium, and transfer them into new flasks that already contain fresh medium. |
Split ratio | A ratio of 1:2 is recommended |
Seeding density | 1 x 10^4 cells/cm^2 |
Fluid renewal | 2 to 3 times per week |
Freezing recovery | After thawing, plate the cells at 5 x 10^4 cells/cm^2 and allow the cells to recover from the freezing process and to adhere for at least 24 hours. |
Freeze medium | CM-1 (Cytion catalog number 800100) |
Handling of cryopreserved cultures |
Quality control / Genetic profile / HLA
Sterility | Mycoplasma contamination is excluded using both PCR-based assays and luminescence-based mycoplasma detection methods. To ensure there is no bacterial, fungal, or yeast contamination, cell cultures are subjected to daily visual inspections. |
STR profile |
Amelogenin: x,y
CSF1PO: 10
D13S317: 12
D16S539: 9,12
D5S818: 11,12
D7S820: 8,12
TH01: 6,8
vWA: 16
D3S1358: 14,16
D21S11: 28,3
D18S51: 16
Penta E: 7
Penta D: 12
D8S1179: 12,15
FGA: 25
HLA alleles |
A*: '01:01:01, '02:01:01
B*: '08:01:01, '40:01:02
C*: '03:04:01, '07:01:01
DRB1*: '03:01:01, '15:01:01
DQA1*: '01:02:01, '05:01:01
DQB1*: '02:01:01, '06:02:01
DPB1*: '04:01:01
E: '01:01, '01:03
Required products
One prominent application of McCoy's 5A Medium is its utilization in the culturing of human colon carcinoma cell lines. Specifically, it has been employed in the study of the leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptor (LGR5) and its role in the metastasis of colon cancer. This medium has been effectively employed in the cultivation of several colon carcinoma cell lines, including HCT116, RKO, FET, CBS, HCT116b, and TENN, enabling researchers to delve deeper into the mechanisms underlying colon cancer metastasis.
In addition to its application in cancer research, McCoy's 5A Medium has proven to be indispensable in the study of osteoblasts. Researchers investigating the ion reactivity of calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite in standard cell culture media have utilized this medium to culture osteoblasts. This application has facilitated a better understanding of the interactions between osteoblasts and calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite, contributing to advancements in the field of bone research.
Notably, McCoy's 5A Medium was meticulously formulated by modifying the amino acids found in Basal Medium Eagle to provide optimal support for liver tumor cells. This enriched formulation enables its suitability for a diverse range of established cell lines, as well as primary cells, further enhancing its versatility and applicability in various research settings.
Moreover, McCoy's 5A Medium extends its biochemical and physiological effects beyond liver tumor cells. It has been successfully employed to support growth in primary cultures of bone marrow, skin, gingiva, kidney, omentum, adrenal, lung, spleen, rat embryo, and other cell types. This wide range of applications attests to the broad utility of McCoy's 5A Medium in supporting the growth and maintenance of various cell types for comprehensive biological research.
This McCoy's 5A medium (modified) contains 3.0 g/L of Glucose, stable Glutamine, 2.0 mM of Sodium pyruvate, and 2.2 g/L of NaHCO3.
Quality control
pH = 7.2 +/
- 0.02 at 20-25°C.
Each lot has been tested for sterility and absence of mycoplasma and bacteria.
Keep refrigerated at +2°C to +8°C in the dark. Freezing and warming up to +37° C minimize the quality of the product.
Do not heat the medium to more than 37° C or use uncontrollable sources of heat (e.g., microwave appliances).
If only a part of the medium is to be used, remove this amount from the bottle and warm it up at room temperature.
Shelf life for any medium except for the basic medium is 8 weeks from the date of manufacture.
Inorganic Salts
Calcium chloride x 2H2O
Magnesium sulfate x 7H2O
Potassium chloride
Sodium chloride
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate x H2O
Other Components
D(+)-Galactose anhydrous
Glutathione (red.)
Phenol red
Amino Acids
L-Arginine x HCl
L-Asparagine x H2O
L-Aspartic acid
L-Glutamine stable
L-Glutamic acid
L-Histidine x HCl x H2O
L-Lysine x HCl
p-Aminobenzoic acid
Ascorbic acid
D-Calcium pantothenate
Choline chloride
- A Gentle Alternative to Trypsin
Accutase is a cell detachment solution that is revolutionizing the cell culture industry. It is a mix of proteolytic and collagenolytic enzymes that mimics the action of trypsin and collagenase. Unlike trypsin, Accutase does not contain any mammalian or bacterial components and is much gentler on cells, making it an ideal solution for the routine detachment of cells from standard tissue culture plasticware and adhesion coated plasticware. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and uses of Accutase and how it is changing the game in cell culture.
Advantages of Accutase
Accutase has several advantages over traditional trypsin solutions. Firstly, it can be used whenever gentle and efficient detachment of any adherent cell line is needed, making it a direct replacement for trypsin. Secondly, Accutase works extremely well on embryonic and neuronal stem cells, and it has been shown to maintain the viability of these cells after passaging. Thirdly, Accutase preserves most epitopes for subsequent flow cytometry analysis, making it ideal for cell surface marker analysis.
Additionally, Accutase does not need to be neutralized when passaging adherent cells. The addition of more media after the cells are split dilutes Accutase so it is no longer able to detach cells. This eliminates the need for an inactivation step and saves time for cell culture technicians. Finally, Accutase does not need to be aliquoted, and a bottle is stable in the refrigerator for 2 months.
Applications of Accutase
Accutase is a direct replacement for trypsin solution and can be used for the passaging of cell lines. Additionally, Accutase performs well when detaching cells for the analysis of many cell surface markers using flow cytometry and for cell sorting. Other downstream applications of Accutase treatment include analysis of cell surface markers, virus growth assay, cell proliferation, tumor cell migration assays, routine cell passage, production scale-up (bioreactor), and flow cytometry.
Composition of Accutase
Accutase contains no mammalian or bacterial components and is a natural enzyme mixture with proteolytic and collagenolytic enzyme activity. It is formulated at a much lower concentration than trypsin and collagenase, making it less toxic and gentler, but just as effective.
Efficiency of Accutase
Accutase has been shown to be efficient in detaching primary and stem cells and maintaining high cell viability compared to animal origin enzymes such as trypsin. 100% of cells are recovered after 10 minutes, and there is no harm in leaving cells in Accutase for up to 45 minutes, thanks to autodigestion of Accutase.
In summary
In conclusion, Accutase is a powerful solution that is changing the game in cell culture. With its gentle nature, efficiency, and versatility, Accutase is the ideal alternative to trypsin. If you are looking for a reliable and efficient solution for cell detachment, Accutase is the solution for you.
Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) is a versatile buffer solution used in many biological and chemical applications, as well as tissue processing. Our PBS solution is formulated with high-quality ingredients to ensure a constant pH during experiments. The osmolarity and ion concentrations of our PBS solution are matched to those of the human body, making it isotonic and non-toxic to most cells.
Composition of our PBS Solution
Our PBS solution is a pH-adjusted blend of ultrapure-grade phosphate buffers and saline solutions. At a 1X working concentration, it contains 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 8 mM Na2HPO4, and 2 mM KH2PO4. We have chosen this composition based on CSHL protocols and Molecular cloning by Sambrook, which are well-established standards in the research community.
Applications of our PBS Solution
Our PBS solution is ideal for a wide range of applications in biological research. Its isotonic and non-toxic properties make it perfect for substance dilution and cell container rinsing. Our PBS solution with EDTA can also be used to disengage attached and clumped cells. However, it is important to note that divalent metals such as zinc cannot be added to PBS as this may result in precipitation. In such cases, Good's buffers are recommended. Moreover, our PBS solution has been shown to be an acceptable alternative to viral transport medium for the transport and storage of RNA viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2.
Storage of our PBS Solution
Our PBS solution can be stored at room temperature, making it easy to use and access.
To sum up
In summary, our PBS solution is an essential component in many biological and chemical experiments. Its isotonic and non-toxic properties make it suitable for numerous applications, from cell culture to viral transport medium. By choosing our high-quality PBS solution, researchers can optimize their experiments and ensure accurate and reliable results.
Inorganic Salts
Potassium chloride
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Sodium chloride
di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous