NCI-H716 Cells

General information
Description | The NCI-H716 cell line is a human adenocarcinoma cell line derived from the colon. It was established from the metastatic site in the ascites of a 33-year-old Caucasian male. One of the defining features of the NCI-H716 cell line is its ability to express and secrete enteroendocrine hormones, notably glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), which makes it highly relevant in the study of gut hormone physiology and the enteroendocrine system. This aspect is crucial for diabetes research, especially in the context of investigating the hormonal regulation of insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis. These cells are adapted to grow as floating aggregates or in suspension culture, which is somewhat unusual for epithelial-derived cells. The ability to grow in suspension allows the study of cellular interactions and signaling pathways in a three-dimensional culture environment, which can mimic in vivo conditions more closely than traditional monolayer cultures. The NCI-H716 cell line has been utilized extensively to explore signal transduction pathways involved in the secretion of hormones, response to pharmacological agents, and the interaction between gut epithelial cells and the microbiota. Studies using this cell line have contributed significantly to understanding the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal diseases and the development of therapeutic strategies targeting the gut-brain axis. Furthermore, NCI-H716 cells are used to test therapeutic compounds for their potential effects on secretion and receptor response. Their unique hormonal profile also enables their use in pharmacodynamic studies and drug discovery related to metabolic disorders and obesity. Thus, NCI-H716 serves as a vital tool in translational medicine, bridging basic research and clinical applications in gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases. |
Organism | Human |
Tissue | Cecum |
Disease | Cecum adenocarcinoma |
Metastatic site | Ascites |
Synonyms | NCI H716, NCI-H716, H-716, NCIH716 |
Age | 33 years |
Gender | Male |
Ethnicity | European |
Morphology | Epithelial |
Growth properties | Suspension, multicell aggregates and some adherent cells |
Identifiers / Biosafety / Citation
Citation | NCI-H716 (Cytion catalog number 305079) |
Biosafety level | 1 |
Expression / Mutation
Culture Medium | RPMI 1640, w: 2.1 mM stable Glutamine, w: 2.0 g/L NaHCO3 (Cytion article number 820700a) |
Medium supplements | Supplement the medium with 10% FBS |
Doubling time | 50 hours |
Subculturing | Gently homogenize the cell suspension and separate clusters by pipetting up and down, then take a representative sample to determine the cell density per ml. Dilute the suspension to achieve a cell concentration of 1 x 105 cells/ml with fresh culture medium, and aliquot the adjusted suspension into new flasks for further cultivation. |
Split ratio | 1:2 to 1:5 |
Seeding density | > 3 x 10^5 cells/ml |
Fluid renewal | Add 1 ml of fresh medium daily, weekends may be omitted, and separate clusters by pipetting as required. |
Freeze medium | CM-1 (Cytion catalog number 800100) |
Handling of cryopreserved cultures |
Quality control / Genetic profile / HLA
Sterility | Mycoplasma contamination is excluded using both PCR-based assays and luminescence-based mycoplasma detection methods. To ensure there is no bacterial, fungal, or yeast contamination, cell cultures are subjected to daily visual inspections. |