SK-N-BE(2) Cells

General information
Description | The cells exhibit moderate levels of dopamine beta hydroxylase activity.SK-N-BE(2) cells have a reported saturation density greater than 1?10^6 cells/cm^2.The morphology of the cells varies with some cells having long processes and others that are epithelioid like.The cells will aggregate, form clumps and float. |
Organism | Human |
Tissue | Brain |
Disease | Neuroblastoma |
Metastatic site | Bone marrow |
Synonyms | SK-N-BE2, SK-N-BE-2, SKNBE(2), SKNBE-2, SKNBE2, SK-N-BE, SKNBE |
Age | 2 years |
Gender | Male |
Ethnicity | European |
Morphology | Neuroblast |
Growth properties | Adherent/suspension |
Identifiers / Biosafety / Citation
Citation | SK-N-BE(2) (Cytion catalog number 305058) |
Biosafety level | 1 |
Expression / Mutation
Tumorigenic | Yes |
Culture Medium | Please mix EMEM and Ham's F12 in a 50:50 ratio (Cytion article numbers 820100c and 820600a) |
Medium supplements | Supplement the medium with 10% FBS |
Passaging solution | Accutase |
Subculturing | Gather the suspension cells in a 15 ml tube and gently wash the adherent cells with PBS lacking calcium and magnesium (use 3-5 ml for T25 flasks and 5-10 ml for T75 flasks). Apply Accutase (1-2 ml for T25 flasks, 2.5 ml for T75 flasks) ensuring full coverage of the cell layer. Allow the cells to incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes. Following incubation, combine and centrifuge both the suspension and adherent cells. After centrifugation, carefully resuspend the cell pellet and transfer the cell suspension into new flasks containing fresh medium. |
Split ratio | 1:2 to 1:4 |
Fluid renewal | 2 to 3 times per week |
Freeze medium | CM-1 (Cytion catalog number 800100) |
Handling of cryopreserved cultures |
Quality control / Genetic profile / HLA
Sterility | Mycoplasma contamination is excluded using both PCR-based assays and luminescence-based mycoplasma detection methods. To ensure there is no bacterial, fungal, or yeast contamination, cell cultures are subjected to daily visual inspections. |
STR profile |
Amelogenin: x,y
CSF1PO: 10
D13S317: 11
D16S539: 9,11
D5S818: 12
D7S820: 9,1
TH01: 6,7
TPOX: 8,11
vWA: 18
D3S1358: 19
D21S11: 30,32.2
D18S51: 16
Penta E: 14,18
Penta D: 13,14
D8S1179: 13,14
FGA: 22,25
D6S1043: 11,19
D2S1338: 17,23
D12S391: 18,24
D19S433: 12,13